What Are the Health Benefits Eating Durum Wheat?
![Russian Durum - healthy durum-based products: semolina, pasta, spaghetti](https://russiandurum.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/healthy_food_durum3.jpg)
As more and more health-conscious consumers all over the world opt for durum wheat, questions arise about the benefits of durum wheat for one’s health.
So, is durum-based diet really healthy and in what way does it benefit our health on a daily basis?
First of all, one has to know that durum wheat flour is rich in B-complex vitamins, especially the thiamine and folate. Generally, B-complex vitamins are essential for healthy hair, skin, eyes and liver. The latter is especially important for those living in bad ecology i.e. large cities.
Durum wheat is also a good source of essential minerals, such as iron and selenium.
Products made from durum flour – pasta, kuskus – are digested slowly. This helps you feel full longer and also prevent from overeating. If you compare eating slices of white bread and a bowl of spaghetti you will have totally different feeling of satiety.
Durum wheat is a high protein breed of wheat which is used to make semolina flour or pastas. When used in this way durum wheat is usually not whole grain. Only the “middlings” are used, that is the endosperm. However, there are few particular advantages to durum being used this way, except for its functional advantages in the foods it is used to make.
If the food uses whole grain the label on the product would say “whole durum wheat”, “whole grain durum,” or something similar. This would have similar advantages to any whole grain wheat, such as more fiber, minerals, and vitamins.