Agroliga Joined the Meeting of National Union of Breeders and Seed Growers
Moscow, 20th November, 2018. Agroliga – Center of Plant Breeding took part in the meeting of members of the National Union of Breeders and Seed Growers, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Academy of Sciences and agricultural producers on the subject of intellectual property protection in the field of agriculture.
The meeting discussed topical issues of protecting the rights of breeders and seed producers, combating counterfeit and low-grade seeds, obtaining “royalties” by breeders and creating legal conditions for the effective development of the seed market in Russia.
National Union of Breeders and Seed Growers initiated an appeal to the Government of the Russian Federation to accelerate the adoption of the law “On Amendments to the Federal Law On Seed Production “and other legislative acts.
Experts sais that more powerful protection of copyright and control over the quality of seeds entering the growth control areneeded.
The participants of the meeting, in which the Agroliga CSR company took part, recognized the need to develop a concept for the development of plant breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation in order to compete confidently on the world market.