Is Eating Durum-Based Products Healthy?

Healthy eaters worldwide include pasta in their diets as one of the basic foods that compliment an active and healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating is all about balancing the key ingredients: fats, carbohydrates and, most importantly, proteins.
Not, that it is not what you eat in one day or at one meal that counts; it is your overall diet and general eating pattern that makes the difference. A person following a balanced, healthy diet is the one making food choices based on general rules of healthy eating.
According to most recent research, durum-based pasta serves as one of the building blocks of a healthy diet. High-quality pasta made of durum is a good source of complex carbohydrates, and a moderate source of protein, that also containing microelements and minerals such as phosphorus and iron, and essential B vitamins (Thiamine, Niacin and Riboflavin). It is also fortified with folic acid. High quality durum pasta is also known to be low in sodium, fat and sugar and contains no cholesterol.
Leading dietary experts recommend three to ten daily servings of grain products (including durum pasta). Foods that are based on grain (pasta, bread, cereals) are very versatile thus being highly regarded by nutrition professionals. Grain products are rich in nutrients.
Whole grains are high in fiber and are useful in lowering blood cholesterol and maintaining bowel regularity. Whole grain products also contain vitamin E and important trace materials like zinc and copper.
For years, cereal foods including pasta were considered the ugly ducklings of nutrition. Doctors thought them to be fattening with little nutritional value, and advised to avoid them in misguided attempts to control weight. Nowadays there is scientific agreement among qualified nutrition experts, pointing to increasing consumption of grains based foods areaping significant health benefits.
Durum wheat is the keystone of person’s healthy dietary habits. At Agroliga we take great pride in promoting the healthy traditions of healthy diet and creating and distributing new products that meet the needs of every lifestyle.