Read our FAQ: what are the durum products and why are they healthy?
More and more people are opting for healthier lifestyle and developing healthier dietary habits. Many opt for products made of durum wheat in attempt to lose weight and have better nutritional value.
Q: What is durum? Is it different from whole wheat?
A: Yes, durum (often called pasta wheat) and whole wheat are different. Durum is a kind of wheat that differs from any other kind of wheat in terms of higher protein and gluten content. Durum is most often found in high- quality pasta.
Whole wheat is wheat of any variety (both durum wheat or bread wheat) containing all the three parts of the wheat grain – endosperm, bran and germ. Whole wheat, whether durum or another variety, boasts more nutritional value compared to its refined counterparts. The reason is that whole wheat contains the nutrient-rich bran and germ, that are otherwise stripped away when the refining process takes place.
Q: Why is durum pasta healthy?
A: Durum is the hardest of all wheat kinds and also has a higher protein and gluten content compared to other wheat varieties. During the milling process the endosperm of durum wheat is ground up into a product called semolina. Semolina is then mixed up with water into a thick dough. This dough is then forced through holes of various shapes to produce different types of pasta. The golden color of pasta we all like is given by the naturally rich yellow color of the durum endosperm.
Q: Why is the quality and quantity of gluten important?
A: The quality and quantity of gluten contained in the seed are considered the most important quality parameters of durum wheat. Gluten Index Method has been developed recently to determine gluten quantity and quality in durum semolina and flour.
The gluten index value in Taganrog and Bourbon are among the world’s highest. Note that gluten index is highly heritable so, buying pasta and other products processed from Taganrog and Bourbon cultivars is a great way to maintain healthy diet.
Q: What is whole wheat?
A: Whole wheat is wheat that has grain keeping after being milled into flour all three of parts of the original grain kernel – endosperm, bran and germ – in their original proportions. So they are called whole grains. Whole grains contain fiber, a type of carbohydrate that doctors associate with a lower risk of heart disease, whole wheat also retains its microelement (mineral and vitamin) content better than refined grains. So, whole wheat flour as well as products that are made from this flour contain wheat germ and wheat bran as well as the endosperm. Yet, most customers are used to white flour and products that made from it, contain only the endosperm.
Q: Is Durum Whole?
A: Not necessarily: like any other type of wheat – both durum and bread one – or other grain, durum wheat products are made from the whole kernel only if the package says “100 percent whole-grain durum”.
Q: How Can I Know the Amount of Whole Durum in the Product?
A: Pasta products usually contain some whole-grain durum but are not a hundred percent whole grain, so the relative amount of whole grain can be found on the ingredient label. Ingredients are usually listed by amount present in descending order.